Presentations and Invited Participations
Lefsrud L.M. 2021. Harnessing data to drive safety performance. Innovation in Construction Forum through the Construction Innovation Centre. COAA Virtual Best Practices Conference on May 18-19, 2021.
Lefsrud L.M. 2021. Aalto University, Helsinki Finland, PHYS-E0582 Art of Nanotechnology in Energy Conversion & Storage (3 ECTS). 31 March 2021.
Lefsrud L.M. 2021. DSIG Failure Modes Webinar: Visualizing Safety Management Systems. CEATI International, online, 4 May 2021. The Centre for Energy Advancement through Technological Innovation (CEATI) is a user-driven organization committed to providing technology solutions to its electrical utility participants, who are brought together to collaborate and act jointly to advance the industry through the sharing and developing of practical and applicable knowledge. The Dam Safety Interest Group (DSIG) is composed of dam owners who jointly sponsor research & development projects designed to help assess and improve the safety of dams. Today, the DSIG is represented internationally by participants from Canada, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Sweden, France, the United Kingdom, and Germany.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2021 Hidden Hazards and Blind Spots Workshop. Canadian Society of Safety Engineers (CSSE), online workshop, 17 March 2021. CSSE is Canada’s largest national and most established professional organization for health and safety practitioners. It has over 4,000 members across Canada, the United States, and around the world working together to enhance the health, safety, and environmental profession.
Eckert, H. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2021 Improving OHS performance with OHS and environmental creative sentencing spillovers. Alberta Occupational Health and Safety Futures Webinar. 4 March 2021.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Resource and energy conversations. Keynote speaker for Saskatchewan Women in Mining, Women in Nuclear (WIM-WiN), meeting online September 25, 2020.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Power and Influence: Expanding our understanding and use of these. Keynote speaker for Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) -ACEG Sustainable Engineering Leadership and Management, meeting online September 17, 2020.
Lefsrud LM. 2020. Heated Atmosphere: Organizational Emotions and the Field Structuring in Online Climate change Debate. Public Lecture, School of Engineering, University of California, Merced, online September 11, 2020.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2020 Mapping energy conversations. University of Alberta representative to the Ministers’ Round Table in Energy for Canada-Alberta Collaboration on Oil and Gas Innovation, with Sonya Savage (Alberta Minister of Energy) and Seamus O’Regan (Minister of Natural Resources Canada), along with 50+ CEOs/VPs in the energy industry, 13 February, Calgary, Alberta.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. SDG 7: Clean and Renewable Energy – Taking a Systems Approach to Geothermal Energy. Public Presentation for University of Alberta’s International Week, Edmonton, February 3, 2020.
A Century of Accomplishments— Dr. Lianne Lefsrud, P.Eng. Profiled for APEGA’s Centennial. Available here.
Lefsrud, L.M., Fox, K., Cooper, D., & Taminiau, Y. 2016. Maintaining Oil and Gas Reserves Accounting: The Limits of Commensuration. Accounting, Organizations, and Society Conference, London School of Economics, December 14, 2016.
Umme, M.* & Lefsrud, L.M. 2016. How Can Regulatory Prosecution Improve Workplace Safety? 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, October 16-19, 2016.
Lefsrud, L.M., Gehman, J. & Jamieson, M.J. 2016. Revisiting How ‘Acceptable Risk’ and ‘Social License to Operate’ Become Defined: An Incorporation of Social-psychological Processes into Technical Risk Management. 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, October 16-19, 2016.
Jamieson, M.J. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2016. Using Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment, and the Sustainable Design Process to Evolve Environmental Regulations. 66th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Quebec City, October 16-19, 2016.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. “Giant Toxic Lakes You Can See from Space”: A Theory of Multimodal Messages and Emotionality in Legitimacy Work. Copenhagen Business School conference on visuality, materiality, multimodality on September 22-23, 2016.
Lefsrud, L.M., Jamieson, M. & Gehman, J. 2016. Revisiting how Acceptable Risk and Social License to Operate Become Defined. Congreso Colombiano de Mineria. Medellin Colombia, May 24, 2016.
Baker, K.E.* & Lefsrud, L.M. 2016. Hazard Control Implementation for Contaminated Water Recycling in the Mining & Energy Sectors / Aplicación de control de riesgo para el agua contaminada de reciclaje en los sectores de minería y energía. Congreso Colombiano de Mineria. Medellin Colombia, May 24, 2016.
Jamieson, M. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2016. Evolving Regulations to Support Sustainable Design / Evolución de las reglamentaciones para apoyar el diseño sostenible. Congreso Colombiano de Mineria. Medellin Colombia, May 23, 2016.
Lefsrud, L.M. Oberg, A. & Meyer, R. 2016. Organizational Emotionality in the Discursive Field of Climate Change. 12th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Lucerne, March 31-April 01, 2016.
Hoffman, A.J., & Lefsrud, L.M. Paradox and Sustainability: Moving Beyond the Business Case. ONE Research and Practice in the Era of the Anthropocene. Academy of Management Annual meeting, Vancouver, August 10, 2015.
Hoffman, A.J., Jennings, D.J., & Lefsrud, L.M. Climate change in the era of the Anthropocene – An institutional analysis. Subtheme 23: Climate (In)action: Understanding Corporate and Institutional Inertia, 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, July 2-4, 2015.
Lefsrud, L.M. Phillips, N. & Westbury, C. Categorization and Framing as Legitimacy Work: the Struggle over the Canadian Oil Sands. Sub-theme 62: Take a Walk on the Wild Side: Social Ontologies and Post-Legitimacy Theorizing about Social Structure, 31st EGOS Colloquium, Athens, July 2-4, 2015.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. Picture the Feeling: Theorizing the Role of Emotion in Legitimacy Work. European Theory Development Workshop, Cardiff UK, June 25-26, 2015.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Vaara. E. Framing Fairness: The Case of Alberta Oil Sands. Alberta Institutions Conference, Banff, June 12-14, 2015.
Lefsrud, L.M. When Worlds Collide? In Showcase Symposium: Bridging Institutional Analysis with Cultural Dynamics in Explaining Environmental Sustainability. Academy of Management, ONE, SIM and OMT Divisions, Philadelphia, August 1-5, 2014.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. A Theory of Visual Rhetoric in Legitimacy Struggles. Sub-theme 07: (SWG) Visualizing Institutions and Knowledge, 30th EGOS Colloquium, Jul. 3–5, 2014, Rotterdam.
Gehman, J. Lefsrud, L., Lounsbury, M. & Lu, C. 2014. Perspectives on Energy and Environment Risks. Helmholtz-Alberta Initiative Energy and Environment (HAI-E&E) Annual Science Forum. Edmonton, AB, Canada, September 29, 2014, Edmonton.
Lefsrud, L.M., & Vaara, E. 2014 Relational Legitimacy through Justice: The Case of Alberta Oil Sands. 3rd European Theory Development Workshop, Jun. 27-28, 2014, Amsterdam.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2014 Dirty Oil, Ethical Oil, Legitimate or Not? The Struggle to Categorize the Alberta Oil Sands. Alliance for Research on Corporate Sustainability (ARCS) Conference, Cornell University, May 7-9, 2014, Ithaca.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2013 Dirty Oil, Ethical Oil: Categorical Illegitimacy and the Struggle over the Alberta Oil Sands. Emotions and Institutions Workshop, York University, Dec. 11-12, 2013, Toronto.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2013 Dirty Oil, Ethical Oil: Categorical Illegitimacy and the Struggle over the Alberta Oil Sands. Sub-theme 48: The Emergence of Categories, Identities, Fields and Organizational Forms, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Jul. 4–6, 2013, Montreal.
Lefsrud, L.M., Fox, K.A., Cooper, D.J. & Taminiau, Y. 2013. Veils of Ambiguity: Professionals’ Categorization of Oil and Gas Reserves. Sub-theme 30: Strategic and Institutional Environments. Sub-theme 48: The Emergence of Categories, Identities, Fields and Organizational Forms, 29th EGOS Colloquium, Jul. 4-6, 2013, Montreal.
Misutka, P. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2013. At the Gateway of Social Injustice? An International Conference on Inequality, Institutions and Organizations, June 6-8, 2013, Segal Graduate School of Business, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2013 Golden Goose or Ugly Duckling. Connecting Rigor and Relevance in Institutional Analysis, Doctoral Consortium, Harvard University, June 2-4, 2013.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2013 Dirty Oil, Ethical Oil: Categorical Illegitimacy and the Struggle over the Alberta Oil Sands. Sustainability, Ethics, and Entrepreneurship (SEE) Conference, Apr. 11-12, 2013, University of Denver, Colorado.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Meyer, R.E. 2012. Science or Science Fiction? Experts’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change. Academy of Management, OMT Division, Boston, Aug. 3-7, 2012. Finalist for Best International Paper, OMT.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2012. Dirty Oil, Snake Oil: The Categorical Illegitimacy of Alberta’s Oilsands. Sub-theme 24: Organizations as Phenomena of Language Use: Interconnecting Discourse and Communication, 28th EGOS Colloquium, Jul. 5–7, 2012, Helsinki. Awarded Best Paper of the Conference.
Graves, H., Lefsrud, L.M. & Phillips, N. 2012. Dirty Oil/Ethical Oil/Snake Oil: Discursive Positioning in Environmental Rhetoric. Canadian Association for the Study of Discourse & Writing, Wilfred Laurier University, May 26-28, 2012, Kitchener-Waterloo.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2012. Dirty Oil, Snake Oil: Illegitimacy of Alberta’s Oilsands. 8th New Institutionalism Workshop, 15 – 16 Mar. 2012, ESADE Ramon Llull University, Barcelona.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2011. Co-Constructing the Meaning of Oil: Stakeholders’ Definition and Valuation of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands. Energy, Organizations, and Society (EOS) workshop, Oct. 14-15, 2011, University of California, Davis.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2011. Co-Constructing the Meaning of Oil: Stakeholders’ Definition and Valuation of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands. Organizing Institutions: Studying the Emergence of New Practices, Sep. 30‐Oct. 1, 2011, Harvard Business School, Boston.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Emerson, C.J. 2011. Putting Fuel in the Tank: Best Practices in Promoting Diversity and Innovation. Fueling the Future: International Conference for Women in Oil & Gas, Mar. 8-9, 2011, St. John’s, Newfoundland and Labrador.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Meyer, R.E. 2011. Science or Science Fiction? Experts’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change. ETH PhD-Academy on Sustainability and Technology: Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation: An Organizational Science Perspective, Jan. 16-21, 2011, ETH Zurich Centro Stefano Franscini.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2010. Oil & Water: Stakeholders’ Framing of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands, Unwrap the Research Conference, Oct. 22-24, 2010, Ft McMurray.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2010. Oil & Water: Framing of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands. OCIS: PDW on Materiality in Organizational Studies: Mapping the Territory, Aug. 6-10, 2010, Academy of Management, Montreal.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2010. After the Gold Rush: The Role of Professionals in Emergence/Configuration of Organizational Fields. Symposium on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services, Aug. 6-10, 2010 Academy of Management, Montreal.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Meyer, R.E. 2010. Science or Science Fiction? Experts’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change. Sub-theme 46: Global Fears – Local Consequences: Discourses, Disguises and Productive Change, EGOS, Jun. 28-Jul. 3, 2010, Lisbon.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2010. During the Gold Rush: Field-Level Regulation of Alberta’s Oil Sands in Definition and Valuation of Resources. Organizing Institutions: Agency and Interpretive Approaches, May 21-22, 2010, Copenhagen Business School, Copenhagen.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2010. Oil & Water: Stakeholders’ Framing of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands. Annual conference for International Association for Business and Society, Banff, Mar. 25-28, 2010.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Meyer, R.E. 2009. Considering the Materiality of Climate Change through Professionals’ Logics, Framing and Agency. EGOS, Sub-theme 08: Institutions and knowledge: The role of materiality, Jul. 2-4, 2009, Barcelona.
Taminiau, Y., Lefsrud, L.M., & Suddaby, R. 2009. Mind the Gap: Exploring the Regulator-Profession Interface in the Oil and Gas Industry. EGOS, Sub-theme 09: Energizing energy markets: Institutions, devices and experiments, Jul. 2-4, 2009, Barcelona.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2009. After the Goldrush: Creating Order from Chaos. Three studies on professionals’ expertise claims, definition of resources, and agency. EGOS, PhD Pre-Colloquium Workshop, Jun. 29 – Jul. 1, 2009, Barcelona.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Hughes, K. 2009. Maintaining the Iron Cage: Reinforcing Professional Self-Regulation to Enable Innovation. 5th Workshop on New Institutionalism in Organization Theory, Mar. 26-27, 2009, Naples.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2008. Convenient Truths? Multiple Logics in the Petroleum Industry. PhD Sustainability Academy – Building Sustainable Value Cross-Enterprise Leadership Centre, Ivey School of Business, University of Western Ontario, Sept. 26-30, 2008, London.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2008. Changing Logics of Self-Regulation in Professional Fields. EGOS, Sub-theme 22 Institutional Work: Understanding How Actors Create, Maintain and Disrupt Institutions, Jul. 10-12, 2008, Amsterdam.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Suddaby, R. 2008. Who Is Regulating Whom and How? Establishing Sites of Regulation for Outsourced Engineering. Offshoring & Outsourcing: The Organizational and Geographical Relocation of High-Value Company Functions, SDA Bocconi School of Management, Apr. 23-24, 2008, Milan.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2008. Convenient Truths? Multiple Logics in the Petroleum Industry. 5th Annual Sprott Doctoral Symposium, Carleton University, Apr. 10-11, 2008, Ottawa. Runner-up best paper.