Lianne M. Lefsrud, PhD, PEng,
Risk, Innovation, and Sustainability Chair (RISC)
Professor, Engineering Safety and Risk Management
12-287 Donadeo Innovation Centre for Engineering
9211 116 St, University of Alberta
Edmonton, Canada T6G 1H9
Society is demanding ever more complex and integrated systems. Beyond technical design, as engineers, we also have a professional, ethical, and legal responsibility to ensure that the operations and maintenance of these systems includes risk management (broadly defined) that protects people and the environment. Since most losses are caused by human (individual and organizational) failures, if we focus exclusively on technical design, we cannot foresee, know and understand, or prevent these failures. This motivates my multidisciplinary research: How can risk management systems be enhanced so that organizations are better equipped to recognize, adapt to and absorb unforeseen events and manage the resulting risks?
PhD, Strategic Management and Organization,
Alberta School of Business, 2014.
PEng, Association of Professional Engineers and Geoscientists of Alberta, since 1997.
MSc, Interdisciplinary Civil & Environmental Engineering and Sociology, 1996,
University of Alberta.
BSc, Civil Engineering, Cooperative Program, 1994,
University of Alberta.
University of Alberta, Faculty of Engineering
Risk, Innovation, and Sustainability Chair (RISC), David and Joan Lynch School of Engineering Safety and Risk Management, July 2022 –
Associate Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, July 2021 –
Director (Outreach and Diversity), Department of Chemical and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, August 2019 –
Assistant Professor, Department of Chemical and Materials, Faculty of Engineering, May 2015 – June 2021
University of Michigan, Erb Institute for Global Sustainable Enterprise
Erb Post-Doctoral Fellowship and concurrent Dow Sustainability Research Fellowship, Ross School of Business / School of Natural Resources and Environment, September 2013 – May 2015