Refereed Articles. *Denotes student or Post Doc
Emerson, C.J, Lefsrud, L.M., Robinson, J., Hollett, S. 2021. WinSETT – Creating a Centre for Equity, Diversity and Inclusion. Canadian Journal of Chemistry, forthcoming.
Oberg, A., Lefsrud, L.M., & Meyer, R.A. 2021. Organizational (Issue) Field Perspective on Climate Change. Economic Sociology: The European Electronic Newsletter, forthcoming.
Fox, K. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2021. The ecology of regulatory change: The Security and Exchange Commission’s modernization of oil and gas reserves reporting. Resources Policy, forthcoming.
Khan, A.*, Sattari, F.*, Lefsrud, L.M. & Tufail, M. 2021. Enhancing regional process safety management. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, forthcoming.
Jamieson, M., Lefsrud, L.M., Sattari, F.*, and Donald, J.R. 2021. Sustainable Leadership and Management of Complex Engineering Systems: A Team Based Structured Case Study Approach. Education for Chemical Engineers, forthcoming.
Ni, Y.*, Sattari, F.*, Lefsrud, L.M. & Tufail, M. 2020. A rising tide raises all boats: Regional promotion of process safety through joint government/industry management. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, forthcoming
Sattari, F.*, Macciotta, R., Kurian, D.* & Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Application of Bayesian Network and Artificial Intelligence in Reducing Accident/Incident Rates in Oil & Gas Companies. Safety Science, forthcoming.
Sattari, F.*, Lefsrud, L.M. & Macciotta, R. 2020. A Process Safety Approach to Identify Opportunities for Enhancing Rail Transport Safety in Canada. Transportation Research Record, forthcoming.
Beane, M., Gostautaite, B., Lefsrud, L.M., & Seamans, R. C. 2020. How Robots and Automation Change Human Work. In Academy of Management Proceedings (Vol. 2020, No. 1, p. 10034). Briarcliff Manor, NY 10510: Academy of Management.
Watson, E.*, Marin, L.F.*, White, L, Macciotta, R. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Blended Learning in an Upper Year Engineering Course: The Impact of Students’ Maturity on Online Engagement. Canadian Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (CJSoTL), forthcoming.
Kurian, D.*, Sattari, F.* Lefsrud, L.M., & Ma, Y. 2020. Using Machine Learning and Keyword Analysis to Analyze Incidents and Reduce Risk in Oil Sands Operations. Safety Science, 130, 104873.
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2020. Giant toxic lakes you can see from space: A theory of multimodal messages and emotionality in legitimacy work. Organization Studies, 41(8): 1055-1078.
Jamieson, M.*, Lefsrud, L.M., Donald, J.R., & Sattari, F.* 2020. Safety and Risk Management: A Structured Case Study Approach to Investigating Chemical Process Safety, Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education Annual Conference and Exposition.
Kurian, D.*, Ma, Y., Lefsrud, L.M, & Sattari, F.* 2020. Seeing the forest and the trees: Using machine learning to categorize and analyze incident reports for Alberta oil sands operators. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 64: 104069.
Baker, K.E.*, Macciotta, R., Hendry, M.T. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Combining safety approaches to bring hazards into focus: An oil sands tailings case study. Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, forthcoming.
Baker, K.E.*, Macciotta, R., Hendry, M.T. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2020. Risk communication in Athabasca oil sands tailings operations. Safety in Extreme Environments, forthcoming.
Lefsrud L.M., Macciotta, R., and Nkoro, A.* 2020. Role of Safety Management Systems (SMS) in the railway industry and potential for enhancement of the Railway Safety Act (RSA). Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, forthcoming. DOI: 10.1139/cjce-2018-0513
Anderson, N.*, Cocchio, J., Watson, E., Lefsrud, L., & Leijun, L. 2017, in press. Employing multifaceted teaching and learning components to foster CEAB graduate attribute development. Proceedings of the 2017 Canadian Engineering Education Association 8th Annual Conference, Toronto, Ontario: University of Toronto. More information click here.
Dong, C.*, Dong, X., Gehman, G. & Lefsrud, L. 2017. Using BP Neural Networks to Prioritize Risk Management Approaches for China’s Unconventional Shale Gas Industry. Sustainability. Sustainability,9: 979; doi:10.3390/su9060979.
Gehman, J., Lefsrud, L.M. & Fast, S. 2017. Social License to Operate: Legitimacy by Another Name? Accepted Canadian Public Administration, 60(2): 293-317.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2017. Dirty Oil or Ethical Oil? Visual rhetoric in legitimation struggles. Accepted Research in the Sociology of Organizations.
Hollis, G., Westbury, C. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2017. Extrapolating Human Judgments from Skip-gram Vector Representations of Word Meaning. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 70(8): 1603-1619.
Gehman, J., Lefsrud, L.M, Lounsbury, M. Lu, C.* 2016. Perspectives on Energy and Environment Risks: With Implications for Canadian Energy Development. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, 64(2): 384-388.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Vaara, E. 2015. What Is Fair and How Do We Know? Penn Program on Regulation, Regblog. July 20, 2015. Practitioners’ version of our paper ‘Framing Fairness’. Available here.
Lefsrud, L.M. * & Meyer, R.E. 2012. Science or Science Fiction? Professionals’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change. Organization Studies. Special Issue: Climate Change and the Emergence of New Organizational Landscapes, 33: 1477-1506.
Lefsrud, L.M. *& Meyer, R.E. 2012. Science or Science Fiction? Experts’ Discursive Construction of Climate Change. Best of Academy of Management.
Lefsrud, L.M. *& Suddaby, R. 2010. Oil & Water: Stakeholders’ Framing of Resources in Alberta’s Oil Sands. Proceedings of the Annual Conference for the International Association for Business and Society, Banff, March 25-28, 2010.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1996. Making or Breaking Waste Facility Siting Successes with a Siting Framework. Environmental Management, 20(1): 53-64.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1995. Analytical Framework for Waste Facility Siting. Journal of Urban Planning and Development, American Society of Civil Engineers 121(4): 115-145.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1995. Developing Host Community Siting Packages for Waste Facilities. Environmental Impact Assessment Review, 12: 157-178.
* denotes student
Edited Book Chapters
Lefsrud, L.M., Graves, H. & Phillips, N. 2015. Chapter 22: Analyzing Visual Rhetoric in Organizational Research, In Innovative Qualitative Methods Handbook. Kim Elsbach & Rod Kramer (Eds.). Routledge, 225-237.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Jennings, P.D. 2015. Chapter 9: Entrepreneurial Storytelling: An Institutional Tale, In Small Business in a Global Economy: Creating and Managing Successful Organizations, Scott L. Newbert (Ed.). Santa Barbara: Praeger, 215-241.
Lefsrud, L.M. * & Suddaby, R. 2012. After the Gold Rush: The Role of Professionals in the Emergence and Configuration of Organizational Fields. The Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship in Professional Services, edited by Markus Reihlen & Andreas Werr. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar.
Suddaby, R. & Lefsrud, L.M. * 2010. Institutional Theory, Old and New. Sage Encyclopaedia of Case Study Research, Elden Wiebe, Gabrielle Durepos, & Albert J. Mills (Eds.). London: Sage.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M. * 2001. Analytical Framework for Waste Facility Siting. Waste Management and Planning (Managing the Environment for Sustainable Development Series, Number 5), edited by J.C. Powell, R.K. Turner, and I. Bateman. North Hampton: Edward Elgar Publishers.
Print and Radio Interviews
Why Canadians’ climate concerns don’t always line up with the evidence: We’re relatively less worried than we were in 2007 and our beliefs split sharply along political lines. CBC News, 5 March 2017. Available here.
Risk Management #397, on “Science for the People”, a syndicated radio show and podcast that broadcasts weekly across North America on over 30 radio stations, including Science 360 Radio a project of the National Science Foundation. November 25, 2016. Available here.
Clinton can’t seem to emulate the Obama Two-Step on U.S. oil and gas production. Financial Post. August 31, 2016. Available here.
Science finally proves just how badly energy CEOs (and boosters) suck at politics, communications. American Energy News. August 16, 2016. Available here.
Providing more facts won’t sway public opinion on controversial issues: Measuring emotional language in media can help companies, researcher tells Enbridge Research in Action seminar. University of Calgary, UToday. March 28, 2016. Available here.
What is Fair and How Do We Know? University of Pennsylvania Program on Regulation, July 20, 2015. Available here.
University of Alberta professors find ‘tarsands’ is more negative than ‘oilsands’. Edmonton Sun, September 14, 2015. Available here.
Need to Know: Lianne Lefsrud. University of Alberta alumna Lianne Lefsrud tries to bridge the gap between the oil industry and environmentalists. Alberta Venture Magazine. February 2014. Available here.
Being Entrepreneurial in your Storytelling. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan. December 16, 2013. Available here.
The power of storytelling and how it affects the environmental field. WCBM 88.3 FM Ann Arbor. November 15, 2013. Available here.
People & achievements in the greater Ann Arbor area, including Comerica and Humantech. Ann Arbor News. June 27, 2013. Available here.
Risk Management Approaches Could Motivate Climate Change Action, Profiled by Sage Publishers Social Science Space. March 19, 2013. Available here.
Papers under Review and Working Papers
Shah, D.* & Lefsrud, L.M. Safety Aspects of Floating LNG: Preliminary Inherent Safer Design Selection of Liquefaction Process. Under review with Clean Technologies and Environmental Policies.
Baker, K.E.*, Macciotta, R. & Lefsrud, L.M. How can we see the unforeseeable? Enhancements to hazard identification, safety culture, and risk communication for preventing engineering accidents. Under review with the Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering.
Lefsrud, L.M. Graves, H. & Phillips, N. Giant toxic lakes you can see from space: A theory of multimodal messages and emotionality in legitimacy work. Third round review with Organization Studies. Impact factor = 2.886, 5-year impact factor = 3.856, ranked 25/185 journals in “Management”.
Macciotta, R. & Lefsrud, L.M. Framework for Developing Risk Evaluation Criteria. Under review with Reliability Engineering and System Safety. Impact Factor: 2.498, 5-Year Impact Factor: 2.873.
Lefsrud, L.M., Westbury, C., & Hollis, G. Methods of sentiment analysis to enrich risk management processes. Under review with Journal of Risk Research, Impact Factor: 1.027.
Lefsrud, L.M., Fox, K., Cooper, D., & Taminiau, Y. Maintaining Oil and Gas Reserves Accounting: The Limits of Commensuration. Preparing for submission to Accounting, Organization and Society. Impact Factor: 1.672, 5-Year Impact Factor: 3.588.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Vaara. E. Becoming Unbound: Examining bounded ethicality in defining the ‘public interest’. Reject and resubmit to Organization Science. Impact Factor: 3.360, 5-Year Impact Factor: 6.137.
Lefsrud, L.M., Fox, K., Cooper, D., & Taminiau, Y. The Role of Accountants and Engineers in Regulatory Change: Security Exchange Commission’s Modernization of Oil and Gas Reserves Reporting. Preparing for submission to Resources Policy. Impact Factor: 2.053.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Gehman, J. Revisiting how Acceptable Risk and Social License to Operate Become Defined. Preparing for Submission to Resources Policy. Impact Factor: 2.053.
Lefsrud, L.M. & Jennings, D.J. Regulation Dynamics of Canada’s Oil Sands. Working paper.
Hollis, G., Westbury, C., & Lefsrud, L.M. Examining the role of emotional valence and arousal in the persuasiveness of climate change messaging. Preparing to submit to Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, Impact Factor: 2.127.
Lefsrud, L.M. 2014. When Worlds Collide: The intersection of meaning-making between hearings and media for Alberta’s oil sands, University of Alberta. My dissertation is an extended case study from 1960 to 2010 of the Alberta oil sands, using network analysis to visualize evolving vocabularies and rhetorical analysis of contestations of meaning. Actors shift discussion from technical, economic meanings to morally transcendent values. Even those excluded from the regulatory process, such as aboriginal communities and ENGOs, are able to leverage themselves and their criticisms into hearings, and the hearings into the media, making these hearings field reflecting (rather than configuring) events. Besides the logical argumentation and normative credibility, emotional appeals are fundamental for creating resonance across audiences.
My dissertation forms the basis of my TEDx talk. Available online.
Policy Statements, Practice Standards and Guidelines
Developed and revised – under the auspices of APEGA’s Practice Standards Committee and Environment Committee –policy statements, practice standards, and guidelines to establish the standard of care expected of professional engineers and geoscientists. My role varied from being the sole author of original documents and incorporating reviewers’ comments to the technical editor of a subcommittee revising existing documents. Most of these remain in force, unchanged since my departure from APEGA. Of these, several have become adopted (in whole or part) as national engineering guidelines by Engineers Canada, the national organization of the 12 engineering regulators that license the country’s 280,000 members of the profession.
Guideline for Management of Risk in Professional Practice. APEGA, Sep. 2006. 43 pages.
Determining the Need for Professional Involvement in Outsourced Engineering. APEGA, v. 1.0, May 2009, 9 pages.
Professional Members as Contract Employees and Independent Contractors. APEGA, Sep. 2007. 20 pages.
Development of Consulting Rate Structures and Contracts V1.0. APEGA, Feb. 2005. 38 pages. This document is an update and replacement of four APEGA practice standards and guidelines.
Guidelines for Considerations for Establishing a Consulting Practice V1.0. APEGA, Sep. 2005. 14 pages.
Concepts of Professionalism V1.0. APEGA, Sep. 2004. 10 pages. Adapted as national guideline by Engineers Canada.
Guideline for Environmental Practice V1.0. APEGA, Feb. 2004. 15 pages. Adapted as national guideline by Engineers Canada.
Determining the Need for Professional Involvement in Outsourced Engineering. APEGA, v. 1.0, May 2009, 9 pages.
Professional Responsibilities in the Completion and Assurance of Reclamation and Remediation Work in Alberta. Joint Practice Standard by APEGA, Alberta Institute of Agrologists, Alberta Society of Professional Biologists, Alberta Chemical Professionals of Alberta, College of Alberta Professional Foresters, and College of Alberta Professional Foresters Technologists, September 2007. 37 pages. Forms the basis of a national guideline being developed by Engineers Canada.
Guideline for Selecting Engineering, Geological and Geophysical Consultants. APEGA, September 2006. 24 pages.
Continuing Professional Development – A Guideline for Professional Members. APEGA, June 2006. 29 pages.
Guideline for Professional Responsibilities in Developing Software V1.0. APEGA, February 2006. 17 pages.
Guideline for Copying and Use of Computer Software V1.1. APEGA, November 2005. 4 pages.
Guideline for Human Rights Issues in Professional Practice V1.1. APEGA, November 2005. 10 pages.
Guideline for Advertising of Professional Services V2.0. APEGA, April 2005. 14 pages.
Guideline for Professional Practice Management Plans V1.2. APEGA, June 2004. 15 pages.
Guideline for Professional Member as a Witness V1.0. APEGA, October 2003. 16 pages.
Guideline for Relying on Work Prepared by Others V1.0. APEGA, June 2003. 13 pages.
Research Reports
Sattari, F.*, Macciotta, R., Lefsrud, L.M., Lianne Lefsrud2021 Risk Tolerance Strategy for Rail Transport of Dangerous Goods Task 1: Review of Rail Occurrence Databases Report, Transport Canada.
Rad, M.A.*, Hendry, M. & Lefsrud, L.M. 2021 Canadian Rail Research Laboratory Report on Literature Review on Cognitive Impacts of In-Cab Warning Systems, Transport Canada.
Lefsrud, L.M., Farjoo, A*., Pennetta de Oliveira, L.*, Caldera, A.,* and Esmaeeli, N.* 2017.Creating a Positive Safety Culture and Continuous Improvement in Alberta’s Construction Industry. Reports to the Construction Owners Association Board of Directors and Participating Companies. May, 2017.
Lefsrud, L.M., Westbury, C., Keith, J.* & Hollis, G. 2015. A Basis for Genuine Dialogue: Developing a Science-Based Understanding of Public/Industry Communication. Phase I Report Prepared for the Alberta Chamber of Resources. October 2015. 81 pp.
Lefsrud, L.M.,* Luchkow, R. & Wilson, M. 2014. Enhancing the Common Language for Risk Management and Performance Measures. Report for the Alberta Department of Energy, Policy and Regulatory Alignment Branch and Policy Management Office. Government of Alberta, May 2014.
Alberta Environment and Sustainable Resource Development (AESRD) Joint Task Force on Engagements to Provide Reasonable Assurance on Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions: Accreditation Related to the Verification of GHG Emissions Information. Government of Alberta, August 2014.
Academic Engagement in Public and Political Discourse. University of Michigan, January 2014.
Technical Guidance for Greenhouse Gas Verification at a Reasonable Level of Assurance. Government of Alberta, January 2013.
Member Consultation on Climate Change – Report to Council. A Survey by APEGA’s Environment Committee, Feb. 2008. Completed research and wrote report on behalf of the Environment Committee.
Outsourced Engineering in Alberta’s Major Projects. 2006. An Inquiry by APEGA’s Practice Review Board, May 2006. Completed research and wrote report on behalf of the Practice Review Board.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1995. Property Value Effects and Property Value Protection Programs for Waste Facilities in Host Communities, prepared for the Siting Task Force on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1995. Waste Facility Siting Framework: Development and Validation, prepared for Office of the U.S. Nuclear Waste Negotiator.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1994. Review Report of Host Community Incentives Packages for the Siting Task Force on Low-Level Radioactive Waste Management, prepared for Health and Welfare Canada.
Zeiss, C. & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1994. Class Assessment Method and Framework for Nursing Stations in Northern Communities, prepared for Health and Welfare Canada.
Hicks, F., Gerard, R., Chen, X.* & Lefsrud, L.M.* 1992. A Preliminary Investigation of Break Up Processes on the Mackenzie River at the Ft. Providence Ferry Crossing, Water Resources Engineering Report No. 92-2, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta.